Saturday, April 25, 2009

Satuday and 85!

Hello everyone! Its so nice and beautiful outside that it shouldn't be wasted inside. I plan on going biking. Today is my first day of blogging. The inspiration came from two of my friends who happen to be nutrition majors and since I so thoroughly enjoy food and nutrition, I decided to start one of my own with a similar focus. Of course, other than these topics, I'm also passionate about a lot of other things- music, art, fashion, etcetra which I intend to share with you folks as and when I come across something interesting.
Coming from India ( yes, I love spices ) and having been in the US for sometime now, I experiment with mixing Eastern and Western cuisines to some surprisingly good results. Like the other day, my roomate had a craving for mashed potatoes with all the creamy works. So we made that and I had some Indian wheat flour dough. So I stuffed the potatoes in the bread and flattened it using a rolling pin and cooked it on the griddle and it was sooo good. Till I have a camera- visualize a light brown Indian bread (called chappati) with golden brown dots on it and yoghurt on the side.
ciao everyone and have a great day!



Gina; The Candid RD said...

I love it!! You need to get a camera, any cheap one will do. I want to see some good indian food!

Emily said...

I ditto Gina. Please post recipes! :-)

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

Yum,yum-alu parathas!! Pics and full recipes will get you more online traffic Smitha :)