Bald eagle...


I wanted to pet animals because I'd never been to an agricultural fair before. I loved llamas, piglets, and other marsupials from down under

Then we went and checked out the other farm animals. Jamie had mentioned that horses had arrived when she'd gone but she didn't get to see them. So I was really looking forward to see the horses. But meanwhile I had my moment of public attention. We were eating lunch while watching physical comedy..and this guy needed he picks me and asks me to pretend it was a supermarket and I purchased some Kashi crackers and asks me how much it cost, then he wants me to confirm with the audience that we've never met before...and he pulls a barcode from under a trunk..I didn't think it was a cool trick though..but anyways

The second one was funny though. He was gonna do mind reading. So he goes to the audience and puts the mike on people's heads, guessing their thoughts. Two teenage boys- sports in ones head, I'm a little teapot song in the other kids head. Then he finds a couple and there's a squabble going on in their heads. He comes to our row..and I'm like Oh God! please let him not pick know I'm shy...all the time on the stage, my knees were shaking...but he picks me! and places the mike on my head, there's some sweet music going on, then he places the mike on his head- there's a love song going on! It was funny....
But the most gorgeous thing that I saw for the first time in my life were the horses!! Breathtaking! They were show horses and huge! Well groomed, shiny coats, wearing horsesshoes. oooh!

We were really lucky because the horse show was about to start in 5 minutes and we were at the right place at the right time. We took our seats and out came the first set of horses....they were jaw dropping, breath suckingly gorgeous!! Their manes were nicely held together by what seemed like clips and they were covered in leather belts and buckles. They were walk, trot, change directions and reverse. Pure beauty! pure grace!

Later we went to see some arts and crafts. Some really beautiful artwork by the high schoolers. Finally, some food in this blog!
A carved watermelon!

Ain't it nice?
Another thing I saw.beef cattle.I've wondered what sort of cows ended up on tables..

Have you guys seen the original pink panther movies with Peter Sellers as the bumbling Chief inspector Clouseau? Me and Jamie had seen one recently and we saw a pink panther at the fair. I wanted a picture with it..

Here's our dear friend, the gorgeous Nancy!

Foodwise, I haven't made anything worth talking about. At the fair, Nancy had a pulled pork sandwich, I had a vegetable stromboli- this was filled with broccoli- pretty good! We had fresh fried donuts with powdered sugar...they were sooo good..Nancy mentioned in the end that all the food was American street food..why yes!it was!
All in all it was a fun day! How have you guys been having fun?
Looks like you had a great time at the fair with Nancy. Wish I could have been there to enjoy it with you. :-)
Hey Smita! Looks like the fair was fun :) I always volunteer for things like that, which bring me on stage in front of people...haha. I wish I could have gone with you guys. Was your mom there?? I want to see a picture of her! Did you enjoy your time togetheR??
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